As we all know by now, Smoking is VERY bad for your helath!
Although there are still thoushands of people who are smoking, wheter it be one or two cigarettes a day or even upto sixty a da if they wont. So what makes them want to smoke so much?
It can either be for social reasos well being, they smoke because there friends smoke or it could be to attract people to them, i.e a woman may think tha aman may find her attractive if she smokes because tha is the way it is portrayed within films. However, if you were t a sk a man what he thought of a woman smoking you may be suprised by what you actually find.
Also we all know what the harmful effects smoking has on us, wheter it be through first hand smoking or through passive smoking which is being publiicised in the media alot lately. So which would you rather do? Die from first hand smoking or from passive smoking? I know if I had a choice I would choice neither but then again the world is never perfect and you can neveer have everything that you want, can you?
Picture taken from: http://z.about.com/d/coloncancer/1/0/9/2/smoking.jpg
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