Maturbation seems like such a untalked about subject. However research shows that masturbtion is done more than couples actually having sex. Or so it is said by the researchers any way. The only way we would be able to find out for ourselves is to do a research product ourself but then again would people always be truthful about such a taboo subject. For instance if someone came upto you in the street asking about your sexual practises woul you honestly tell them what you get
up to?
But why must masturbation be such a taboo subject? After all eveeryone does it don't they? Many say that everybody does it but when it comes to people asking about what you do would you tell them if you did it or not? Many people may not be confident enough to tell a total stranger what you do in your spare time.

But why must masturbation be such a taboo subject? After all eveeryone does it don't they? Many say that everybody does it but when it comes to people asking about what you do would you tell them if you did it or not? Many people may not be confident enough to tell a total stranger what you do in your spare time.
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